Preventing rumor spread with deep learning

Daejin Choi, Hyuncheol Oh, Selin Chun, Taekyoung Kwon, and Jinyoung Han, accepted to Expert Systems With Applications




The spreading of false rumors through online media is a serious social problem. The current process of fact-checking mostly relies on the responses of crowds or journalists to perform investigations, which can be performed after a rumor has widely spread. This study proposes a bi-directional encoder representations from transformers (BERT)-based model that only takes a claim sentence of a rumor, which can be used to identify false rumors before it goes viral. By evaluating the proposed model with the rumor dataset that is collected from Snopes and Politifact, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of the model that can accurately identify false rumors with only a given claim text. We also reveal that the performance of the models that are trained from the rumors in specific categories (e.g., business, politics) can be improved by transfer learning. Transfer learning uses the model parameters that are trained from a category as an initial state of the model for another category. Our analysis shows that a pre-trained model from a category that deals with a broad range of topics (e.g., fauxtography) is a useful source that can be transferred to other categories (e.g., entertainment). We believe that the proposed model can help mitigate potential social risks such as social turmoil or monetary chaos that are caused by false rumors, as the rumors can be detected before they go viral.


The goal of the proposed model is to determine whether a given claim is true or false. To this end, we propose a deep learning-based model that consists of two steps: (i) claim embedding and (ii) fact-checking, as illustrated the Figure below.

For claim embedding, we first investigate and evaluate the diverse models that extract the linguistic features and it is decided to use the BERT pre-trained model since it can extract the comprehensive features from the given text. The extracted claim feature vectors from the claim embedding step are then fed into multiple layers at the fact-checking phase for the final true/false decisions. Formally, the predicted value yr of the given rumor claim r is computed as follows.

yr = φ(X;θ)

where X and θ are the set of rumor claims and the set of parameters that are to be trained, respectively.

The implementation codes are available with sharing agreement. Please contact to Daejin Choi (


We collected rumors and their corresponding claims from two popular fact-checking sites, Snopes and Politifact. In Snopes, an editor chooses a claim and concludes its veracity (e.g.,true, false, or a mixture) based on a manual inspection. The determined claims are then classified into one of 57 categories including politics, health, and science. We collected 7,403 claims whose veracities were either true or false, as reported in Snopes from 2012 to 2017. The proportions of true and false claims are 22% and 78%, respectively, in our dataset. We also noted a category for individual claims in our dataset. Here, we combined two categories — Politics and Politicians, which was denoted as ``Politics’’ since they share similar topics.

We also collected a dataset from another fact-checking service, Politifact. A major difference between Snopes and Politifact is that Snopes deals with a broad range of rumor topics such as fauxtography, entertainment, and business, whereas Politifact focuses on political rumors. The collected dataset contains 864 claims that were reported in Politifact from 2007 to 2017. The number of true and false claims was 2,227 and 2,847, respectively.

  • Rumors in Snopes (898K)
    • The files are written in TSV forms.
    • Dataset Schema is written in the first row of the file.
  • Rumors in Polififact (462K)
    • The files are written in TSV forms.
    • Dataset Schema is written in the first row of the file.


Daejin Choi ( Jinyoung Han (